Thursday, August 4, 2011

Need a Weekend Project?

So as someone who loves fashion AND crafting, there are a few blogs that I read religiously and one of my absolute favs is maegan. Not only does Maegan document many of her outfits throughout the week and give us a peek into her home (all while writing with a real woman's point-of-view), but she also writes a TON of crafting posts, aptly titled "Maeg It Yourself". You may remember this skirt that I made with Maegan's instruction.

I read this post yesterday (around 10pm), and had to refrain from running right out to pick up all of the supplies. I'm going on a mini vacation with my hubby today and as soon as we get home, I'll be tacking a crack at this DIY. Love it!

Here's a little hint as to what this Maeg It Yourself is all about.

Click here for the Maeg-it Yourself Jewel Embellished Shoe DIY (and try to ignore how skeletal Katie Holmes looks...we'll discuss later.) You won't be sorry you did! 
(and I want to see pics of your finished products! I'll be sure to post mine soon)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Baby Got Back

Where in God's name has this been all my life?!?!? Ever since high school, I've been curvy. And I don't mean, Christina Hendricks-bombshell curvy. I mean, I've had a huge ass. It's something that I used to be relentlessly teased about, to the point where I hated my body. In the eleventh grade, some boys in my class nick-named my booty "Steve", and would always ask if Steve would be joining me at whatever party was planned for the weekend. Mortifying.
But as I've gotten older, I've embraced the curve and realized that it's all about knowing how to dress your bubble. But jeans have always given me anxiety. If I want them to fit my butt, then they always seem to gap at the waist. If I want them to fit my waist, then they're always unbearably tight in the upper thigh...what to do, what to do....

We all know that Levi's are a classic and no-fail brand of jeans. And now they're even better. The concept of this line of jeans is that "it's about shape, not size". You don't have to go up to a size that will sag off of your legs and waist just to fit you tush; brilliant!
When you visit the Levi's website, you can take a quick, four question quiz to help you determine what you're Curve ID is. 

You'll be asked about how you define your lower half, you you would describe your butt and your thighs, and finally you'll be asked about the problems you face with regular jeans.

Turns out I'm a Bold Curve (sassy). The beauty of Levi's is that there are SEVEN different styles that I can choose from with my Bold Curve Booty. And they are the same styles available for the skinny little girls with no butts at all!

I feel like I'v died and gone to big-butt heaven. What's your curve ID?