I was cruising around Unabashedly Prep, a blog that I simply adore, when I stumbled across this image of a young woman.
She was one of the 148 women who were accepted into the first mixed-gender undergraduate class at Princeton in 1969. I was struck by how easy-breezy she looked, despite the multitude of emotions that must have been running through her during those first days of class (excitement, power, nervousness). I think what really played a part in her care-free exterior was her preppy-chic outfit. Cool, collected, polished, but appearing as though she just tossed any-old-thing on and ran out the door. Thus is the power of the prep style- and here are a few key pieces to help you live it (on the cheap, of course!)
Snappy dressing, lovely readers!
1969 was the year I went to college - you brought back some memories for me. Love checking your blog. love, Shar